Friday 9 July 2010

SHINE WEEK - the Final Day

What talented children we have! The final day of Shine Week kicked off with a wonderful Talent Show in the morning. Children volunteered to perform a range of talents from ballet to break-dancing, and comedy routines to magic tricks. The children were super confident (and if not confident then super brave!) and the audience loved them.

FS and Year 1 children held their own Talent Shows in the morning and afternoon. Wow, so young and so talented already!

Also as part of Shine Week each class has been creating a Wall of Talent in their classrooms to celebrate their talents.

Each class also put together a Shine Board of all their best work and achievements from the year.  The children all had a chance to see the other classes' Shine Boards on display in the courtyard throughout the day.  They will then be displayed around the school especially in KS1 and KS2 cloakrooms so please do have a look at all the children's amazing work!

The day was rounded off with a special Shine Assembly where the children shared the talents that they're particularly proud of and showed off the Shine certificates they'd been presented with. 
What a Sparkling week!

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