Friday 12 November 2010


It has been a day with a difference today because Year 6 took over the school today! They have been busy preparing over the last couple of weeks and have taken the task very seriously. Their roles have included teachers, teaching assistants, headteacher, deputy headteacher, office staff, cooks and caretakers.

All the staff and children have been very impressed with the level of planning and organisation that has gone into the lessons. There has been a huge variety such as making Ancient Egyptian jewellery, drama, literacy, maths, PE and even hosting the whole school assembly.

The Year 6 children have all enjoyed it immensely and have had a wonderful insight into the challenges and hard work the roles around the school involve. It is a bunch of very exhausted Year 6 children that have gone home for a well deserved rest today. Well done to all of them - and many thanks to Mrs McSweeney and Miss Bolton for oranising it all!

Quotes of the day:

“I know how you feel now.” (Sam, Class 15, to Miss Bolton about the difficulty in controlling a Year 2 class)

“I’m tired and I’ve only marked some tests.” (Sam, Class 14)

“My back is really hurting from bending over laptops” (Sion, Class 14)

“I told them five times to put their names, the date and the WALT on their work and they still haven’t!” (Megan, Class 15)


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