Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 3 - Action All Day

What a packed day we have had. After finally managing to get everyone out of bed, (hooray!  It finally caught up with them.) we split into groups and had non-stop fun.
Hannah and Alex BT managed to redesign the wonderful tyre arrangement of the Quad Biking track and the first mud challenge group did us proud. 

Many of the children (and staff) overcame their fears and took part in climbing, zip wire and the trapeze. More fun was had in the rifle shooting hut, the archery area and the fencing barn.
Evening entertainment is about to start and the children will be dressing each other up as super heroes.  We are sure there will be many photo opportunities.
The children are looking more dishevelled by the hour and are all looking forward to donning their glad rags tomorrow at the Disco, although it seems that some have had to be worn already due to wardrobe malfunctions.

More updates tomorrow….only two more sleeps!


vicky36 said...

Hello lovely Ladygrove year 6s. It looks like you're having a brilliant time. It's great to see so many wet, soggy, muddy but always smiley faces!
Hello to all the staff too. It's very quiet at school without you all. Looking forward to seeing some action shots of ALL the teachers (yes Miss B, even you! And I don't mean lifting a cup of tea) Enjoy yourselves and see you all soon.
Wish I was there
Mrs Owen xxx

vicky36 said...

Hello Ladygrove year 6. It's great to see you all having so much fun. It's brilliant to see you all wet, soggy and muddy but with huge smiles.
Now tomorrow, I'm hoping for action shots of all the teachers. (Even you, Miss B! And I don't mean lifting a cup of tea) hee hee!
Wish I was there too
Have fun
Mrs Owen xxxx

vicky36 said...

Great to see you all having so much fun. Love all the smiley faces in the photos, despite being soaked or covered in mud.
I'm hoping that tomorrow there will be action photos of ALL the staff. (Even you, Miss B! And I don't mean lifting a cup of tea) hee hee!
Wish I was there
Have fun!
Mrs Owen xxx

k.bell73 said...

Hi Everyone. Great to see you having a fantastic time. Loving seeing all the photos, more please.

Hope you enjoyed the fencing Charl, its quiet here without you, bet it won't be on Friday!!

Hope you all have a great time tomorrow.

Love Mum & Dad x