Thursday 5 May 2011

South Oxfordshire Tag Rugby Tournament

Ten children – Jack, Sam, Harry, Rory, Ewan, Molly, Hollie, Emily, Rosie and Hannah – played in a tag rugby tournament at Wallingford yesterday. Despite the extreme heat, all their games being played consecutively without chance for a break and the fact they played on much larger pitches than they are used to, the team did a wonderful job – playing to the limits of their considerable ability throughout.
Unfortunately, they lost 4 games and drew 5-5 against John Hampden School and did not make it through to the next round. The players should, however, feel very proud of their performance – playing with courage and conviction until the final whistle in every game, with exemplary behaviour throughout. They were a pleasure to be with. Thank you to parents for their assistance with transport and for cheering us on.

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