Friday, 15 July 2011

***SHINE comes to a Sparkling End***

Shine Week finished today and what a day!

Year 2 and 3 went up to Cornerstone this morning for the last of the Dance Workshops and Gallery visits to the 'Coast' Exhibition.  A big thank you to Lorna Cloke and Amy Beddow of Cornerstone who organised  arts activities for the children.

Did you know that one of our talented Teaching Assistants, Charlie Davies, is exhibiting her own artwork at the Coast Exhibition?  Also, a big thank you to Charlie for putting together the artwork for the Y6 Exhibition in the Chalk Room.  Here are some of our Y3 children admiring it on their visit:

We also have more of our children's artwork, salt dough models and sunset boxes on the theme of the seaside to link with the Coast Exhibition, on display now in the Cornerstone window boxes! Do have a look!

Today we also had a Sports Awards Assembly, Exhibition of Shine boards and to finish the day the Gardening Competition Assembly - see above!

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