Thursday 19 January 2012

High five on a roll again!

High 5 Match versus South Moreton

Being 1 – 0 down with a minute of the starting whistle was not how the high 5 team hoped to start the season. However, Lucy G (today's captain) was not about to accept in lying down and very quickly pulled it back to 1 – 1. Shooting is clearly a forte for both Lucy and John who, by the end of the first quarter had managed a further 6 goals between them, supported greatly by Lucy C as centre. Benji scored a well-deserved goal in the second quarter and Katherine and Tom managed 5 between them in the next quarter. Kate shot two superb goals in the final quarter, and Jon added a further 4 to his score-sheet. Although South Moreton earned themselves a goal in the last few minutes of the game, the final score was Ladygrove 19 – South Moreton 2.

Well done to all the players and thanks to the parents and grandparents who turned up to support us.

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