Friday, 23 March 2012


What a few weeks it has been! Year 6 have researched, costed, made prototypes, launched marketing campaigns, quality assured advertising material, shopped to a budget, devised rotas for staff, made and sold healthy snacks for the rest of the school. They have learnt valuable financial and business skills and, as half my class have just told me, "We had fun and now know what profit is!"
More than anything, the children have been shocked at how much work goes into planning, producing, marketing and selling a product.

However, back to the competitive edge of the topic and we are pleased to announce that Class 15 won Task 2 with their Jelly'in and a profit of £105.81, compared with the profit of £65.27 that Class 14 made with their Tutti Fruity Cones.

This has led to Class 15 winning the overall topic. A big congratulations to them and ALL of Year 6 for their hard work and determination. A massive thank you too to all the adults involved, (it has been rather stressful at times!!!) who will certainly be enjoying a well deserved rest in the sun this weekend.

We have raised £396.26 for Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is fantastic! 

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