Thursday 25 October 2012

Liddington - Day 4

Crates, arrows and barrels summed up the day for most of the children.
There was Crate Challenge where they had to build a tower of milk crates - with the twist that the builders had to be on top of the tower, belayed on a rope from below. The ensure some excitement, the PGL leader kicked over the tower to ensure that the builders were left hanging!

Then there was archery. With real bows. Real arrows. And real targets.

And, to quote one of the shivering, dripping boys, there was "the best and the worst activity" which was raft building.

Four days in and there was a real sign that the children were facing up to their personal challenges and coming out on top; whether that was a fear of heights, anxiety about coping with being cold and wet, concern about different food or plain homesickness. As a group, they have got on really well together, been very supportive of each other and had lots of fun. And because of that, the adults have had a great time too!

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