Wednesday 17 October 2012

Kids' blogs

We are having a big focus on blogging this year. Why? Because if the children know that their writing is going to be read by other people, they will see a real purpose in making the writing as good as possible. We will soon be updating our Kids' Blog section of the website. It will contain links to blogs written by children in each year group. We are starting with Key Stage 2 but hope to extend this to Key Stage 1 in the future. These blogs are written by children not adults.
A PLEA!   Please could you take the opportunity to read the children's blogs AND if possible write them a quick comment - we promise they'll be very grateful. If you want to be kept informed of future posts, you can subscribe to the blog by entering your email on the right hand side of that blog page.

For now: here are the links to the blogs for years 3-6:

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