Friday 9 November 2012

Beech House take the lead

In a special celebration assembly on Monday the children were told which house had accumulated the most points overall to become Term 1 winners! In addition to the points that they earned last term, we also awarded 100 house points to the winners of the art competition in each year group. Willow house had the most winners and gained 300 extra points, Beech got 200 and Oak 100 points.

Overall, it was extremely close but Beech won by 14 points! Everyone in Beech house had some extra play today to celebrate their success. All the children worked very hard to earn their points and we are really pleased with the enthusiasm they are showing for the new system.

Points will be carried forward and we will see which house wins the cup in term 2.
This week's winners were OAK.

Some of Beech house enjoying extra play
Good luck everyone!

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