Wednesday 14 November 2012

High Five on track

Ladygrove Park High Five Team travelled to Stephen Freeman school this evening to play 2 matches. Both teams played fantastically and for the majority of the children it was not only their first competitive High Five match but also their first time playing a High Five match. What an achievement! 
The A Team consisting of Benji, Sophie, Charlie, Lily, Ellie and Emma won 8 - 0 with goals from Lily, Sophie, Ellie and 5 from Benji. 
The B Team consisting of Arley, Ella. Abi, Oliver, Freddie, Dan and Olivia won 3 - 0 with goals from Oliver, Olivia and Arley.
Well done everyone and thanks to staff and spectators for organising and supporting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done high five team