Friday 11 January 2013

House Points

Today, everyone in Oak house received some extra play as a treat for winning the House Cup last term. We will announce which house has won this week, in Monday's assembly.

Welcome FS!
This term, children in class 2 and 3 will also be joining the house system. That means that their good work and behaviour will earn them house points which they will put up in their classrooms. You will find out which house (Oak, Beech or Willow) your child is in next week in your newsletter. We have made sure that any children in FS with siblings in school are in the same house  as their older brother or sister.

Get writing!
One great way to earn extra house points is to write on our blog. Each week we award 2 House Points to writing that is published on our writing blog. Here is the link to this week's challenge:

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