Friday 8 February 2013

Incredible Inventions

We were wowed and impressed by the forward thinking Year 6s yesterday, who presented their inventions to the 'Dragons' and the rest of the year group. The children have worked hard this term to investigate how technology has developed and how it has impacted our lives. This was reinforced with a great trip to The Museum of History of Science in Oxford, which  helped the classes to think about where technology is heading as well as where it has come from.

Well done to the winners, who managed to get the 'Dragons' to invest their piles of chocolate coins. Their invention ideas included a chair to stop children swinging on, an interactive pencil case, an anti flammable spray protector and a remote control ball to exercise dogs.  Lots of thought went into the presentations by all of the children and maybe some of their ideas will become reality one day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done to everyone who took part . Ryan well done doing this all by yourself .