Friday 8 March 2013

The mud kitchen comes into its own!

The FS and Year 1 mud kitchen was great fun today - there have to be some plusses to all the rain!
A group of children were "making pumpkin soup like in the story". They found lots of different imaginary  and real ingredients to add to their concoction. Some children were measuring how far their wellies went down into the puddles and how far the water came up, others were getting stuck in the mud and needing their friends' help to get out again! How far they could make the water splash was another favourite activity! A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to getting the mud kitchen started by bringing in lots of bowls, spoons and saucepans. Any more are very welcome especially metal containers and wooden spoons.

1 comment:

cheryl davis said...

Emily seems spend her whole morning in it and comes home soaked every day! She loves it.