Saturday, 12 September 2015

Year 6's day amongst the dreaming spires...

On Friday 11th September Year 6 visited Oxford as part of our Science topic of Evolution and Inheritance, and our Literacy unit looking at the Northern Lights by Philip Pullman.

Year 6 arrive at the Oxford Natural History Museum

We began by exploring the Natural History Museum. Everyone enjoyed the fabulous talk on Evolution and Inheritance by Chris from the Museum. It was a great opportunity to get hands on with many different artefacts. 

We learnt about prehistoric horses and how and why different animals evolved.

It was great to get hands-on with all the artefacts.

Learning what it's like to move as a snake.
We learnt about how skin evolved into scales...then into quills...then into feathers...then into hairs.

A very fetching bear fur beard!
Learning about whiskers and hairs.
Chris showed us how feathers and wings adapted.
We also had the chance to go on a guided tour with Steve Backshall (even if he only appeared digitally)! This gave us a chance to have a look at all the fantastic exhibitions in the museum.

A guided tour by Steve Backshall.

Class 14 are a terrifying bunch!
Miss Zebrowski was attacked by a T-Rex!
The dinosaurs thought Ladygrove children made a tasty treat!

Some of us were particularly interested by the different stones and minerals in the museum and took the following photos for us...

Some of the minerals even glowed in the dark (with a little help from some UV lights)
After a short lunch break on the lawn at the front of the Museum, we went on a walking tour to visit a few of Oxford's most famous sights.

Our first stop was the Bodleian Library (where we had to dodge Oxford University's graduation photos)

We were excited to hear about the Gargoyles on the Bodleian, which Miss Young told us had been designed by school children and unveiled by Philip Pullman! Do you recognise any of the characters that have been depicted?


While at the Bodleian we sketched some of the architecture.

After the Bodleian we visited the Radcliffe Camera and Exeter College (where Philip Pullman studied). Here we sketched some more of the sites, and dodges one or two rogue cyclists!

Well done to everyone for a fantastic day, You continue to make us proud with how well you represent the school!

Have a look at the Year 6 blog for more photos!

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