Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Dear School Blog (Year 2 are learning all about diary entries!)

On Wednesday 21st of June we celebrated Book Swap Day! All children from FS to Year 6 were able to go and enjoy the book swap.

Book swap was when every child could bring in a book and swap it for a nearly new one.

Children would like to say thank you to parents for allowing/ persuading children to bring one or more books in.

Abigail in Class 7 said "I enjoyed finding a new book!"

Lily W in Class 7 "I enjoyed the book swap!"

Kamdi "I enjoyed the book swap so much I wanted to get two books!"

Gowri "I loved the whole event"

Charlie "I loved my book because it has tornadoes and facts about the weather."

Petros "I really loved the book swap day so much I am now going to keep my eyes open for more Percy Jackson books"

Nina "I enjoyed the book swap so much I wish I could hug it!"

Kidest "I want it to happen every day"

Amy "Was so amazing I want to go to lots more book shops."

Molly "I couldn't believe how many wonderful books there were"

Paige "I want to get more princess books"

Saad "I am very excited about reading my book"

Sanjeev "My book is all facts about wolves!"

Tea "I can't wait to start collecting more of these books, I am inspired!"

Chloe "I am so excited about reading my book"

Oliver "I love my book so much I wish I had two of them so if I ever lost one I would  have a replacement."

Amelia "Best book swap ever!"

Ben "I love my book so much!"

Senan "I love my book a stupendous amount!"

Hannah "I want to do the book swap again"

All children have taken a nearly new book home today! We hope that it has resulted in children developing a love for reading.

Please remember that the library is full of amazing and wonderful books that are free to take home anytime!

Cheerio for now!

Class 7


JaneD said...

I loved the book swap. My book is brilliant. I hope we can do it again. I've been reading some of my book, it's so good. Charlie D

Kamdi said...

Hi my name is Kamdi l loved book swap so thank you Mr Harrison for giving us the opportunity
by Kamdi