Monday, 17 July 2017

Coding with JavaScript in Year 6

Coding with JavaScript was a tricky challenge for Year 6 but like with every other challenge we faced it head on.

We attempted to code a JavaScript for a news report on two occasions the first of which did not go to well (well at least not for all of us) but on the second attempt we tried following the instructions and we actually managed to succeed.

First we had to choose the video that we wanted to use - most of us chose Santa. Next we added a graphic (e.g a thunder cloud, a big news sign, shooting stars, or even fireworks) and coded lots of things into it like where it was on the X coordinate, where it was on the Y coordinate, how big it was, how see through it was and if we wanted to put a rectangle or box behind the graphic to make it appear clearer we would have put the code for that first.

After that we wrote a headline for our news video like if we were doing a weather report to go with our thunder cloud graphic we could write "welcome to the weather today's story thunder storms everywhere." Next we wrote code for our headline once again we could do loads with it. We were able to put a box behind it, change its position on the X and y coordinates, change the colour and change the size.

Coding with JavaScript was a fun experience for us and we would love to do it again.

Ben D, Class 14 

Have a go yourself at!

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