Thursday 1 April 2010

Dragons and Eggs!

We have had great fun in year 6 this week. We came to the end of our topic Incredible Inventions. This had started with us looking at famous inventors and inventions over time e.g. The Light Bulb. We were then inspired to come up with inventions of our own to make our lives easier including The Petromiton (that can read you pet's thoughts) and Style Trender (that chooses your clothes each day) The winners from each class had invented a pencil that could change colour and had a tracking device and also a device for waking you up if driving on long journeys. All the children were very creative and were brave enough to present their ideas in the Dragons' den.

To finish off this term we also held an egg decorating competition. The children had a theme of Sporty Egg and they created some amazing designs. Here are just a few (we will put some more on our kids Blog soon)
Happy easter

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