Wednesday 9 June 2010

Book Week

What a fantastic start to the summer term! The weather has been a bit gloomy this week after all that glorious sunshine over the half term break, but spirits were in no way dampened due to all the marvellous activities that are taking place during our Book Week.  We invited James Carter, a local Oxfordshire poet and author, into school at the beginning of the week to perform his poetry to all the children in assemblies and to visit and work with individual classes.  Some children exclaimed today in assembly that he was the highlight of their week!  We held a 'Guess the Book' competition in the hall today.  There were lots of clues left out by the teachers for the children pointing to various different books and they all had fun trying to guess, with the older children helping the youngers ones; sometimes, the other way round!  Today was also dress up day with everybody coming to school in their favourite book character and we all had tremendous fun admiring each others' costumes in a sharing assembly at the end of the day.  See if you can guess some of our book characters in the photos!  And of course, don't forget that the Book Fair will continue to run every morning (8.30-9am) and every afternoon (3-3.30pm) in the Library until next Monday; for every book sold during the fair the school receives commission to buy new books so please come and support.

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