Friday 28 May 2010

Money Matters

What can we say - we have some budding business men and women amongst our year 6's. Team Magma and team Imaginations United both performed exceptionally well during our Money Matters topic. Magma were leading after task 1 (the bring & buy sale) and team Imaginations had to work really hard to try and catch up during task 2. This task involved researching, making and selling healthy playground snacks that were sold to the rest of the school this week. Magma chose to make a jelly, yoghurt and fruit mix whilst Imaginations chose rice crispies with fruit and yoghurt. Sales of both snacks were huge however with an early lead it was team Magma that were the overall winners. A big thank you to everyone who bought from our teams over the last 2 weeks. We raised an amazing £513 for Action Aid and the children learnt some fantastic practical skills - we hope that they now have a good understanding of the value of money and how to work as a business team.

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