Friday 8 April 2011


Year six are still recovering from their amazing achievements from their Money Matters topic, where they managed to raise more than £700 for Comic Relief and Action Aid. Some children spent some time working out how many lives this money would change. Thank you to everyone (especially the hardworking TAs!!) for the tremendous support. 
Sparticles won the third and final task, mainly due to their shrewd business sense of charging more for their 'Frownies'. Well done to Thunder 14, whose ChocOats were so well received, they sold out on day 2.

Even though the children have worked extremely hard all term, they have still managed some fantastic work today, as they have been 'dressing' their hard boiled eggs as 'Sporty' eggs.

Well done to Georgia P in Class 14, whose basketball setting won her first prize and Hollie and Emily-Jane from Class 15, who won with their running track.

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