Wednesday 25 May 2011

International Sports' Day

Year 5 represented Ladygrove this year at the annual event, as Year 6 are on a residential trip – and what a fantastic job they did! During the morning the children, whose excellent behaviour was commented on by several members of staff, “visited” China, France and Australia. In each country they learnt a little about the culture and something about a sport the country is famous for, took part in quizzes and made flags. The children's interest and enthusiasm was rewarded later in the day when they shared the award for top performing school in the language part of the day.

At the triangle, the children took part in cricket, tag rugby, football and athletics. Everyone gave their best. Their were great team efforts in cricket and football – Louie scored a fabulous goal. The tag rugby team, despite having only two brief training sessions, managed to win two games. In athletics Jamie made the longest throw in discus – fantastic!

All the children did extremely well and we are very proud of them. They all have a medal and certificate for their achievements which they will receive in a special assembly.

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