Friday 26 October 2012

Prayer Space at Ladygrove

Wow! We have totally changed Mrs. Martin's classroom this week to create a Prayer Space for children to come and think about prayer. The children have had a fantastic time thinking about things in life they are thankful for, asking lots of questions and enjoying the peaceful environment surrounded by cushions, canopies and bubble lights!

Some comments from the children, "I felt WOW when I walked in." 
"I liked the play dough because we made things that we were thankful for."
"I wrote a note to God."
"Prayer Space made me feel as though praying is the best thing to do and I think when I get home I will pray. It has made me happy and I feel as though all my troubles have gone. Thank you."


A big thank you to all the local church volunteers, Hugh Boorman as well as Catherine and Joe from Prayer Spaces in School.


Unknown said...

It was lovely to see William enjoying the prayer space. I was really pleased he could share with us what wiping the sand represented in the last picture :)

capthugeca said...

I think that this has been the best week I have had since coming to Didcot. It has truly been a privilege to be invited by the children into their understanding of the world and to talk with them about their hopes and concerns.
You have an amazing bunch of children and an equally amazing school.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea, shame the year 6's missed this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea, shame the year 6's missed the opportunity.