Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Awards mean rewards!

For over five years, we have used a whole school reward system called Achievement Awards. Teachers wrote out awards and they were put in the Achievement Awards book that was then displayed outside the office.

The system worked well but we decided it was time for a change. We did a questionnaire for all the children and the School Council talked about it. They decided they wanted something that was big and on show and something that gave a reward.

As a result of that consultation, we now have three Award Trees in the hall; one for hard work, one for good behaviour and one for caring. Children are awarded a leaf which is then put on the appropriate tree for all to see. When the trees are full, the whole school gets a reward - a time when staff will arrange special activities for everyone.

As you can see from the photo, the hard work tree is nearly full already!

You are very welcome to come into the hall and look at the Award Trees.

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