Friday 2 March 2012


Today was the big day that Year 6 have been working towards for the last two weeks: The Big Book Fete.
Both companies (Fearless 14 and CLAW) were at the ready at 9am to start providing fun and prizes to the hoards of children who came to the fete in the hall throughout the day.

The activities were endless, ranging from biscuit decorating to guessing the pages in the book. All visitors had a great time and the Year 6 classes learnt a multitude of skills whilst planning and manning their stalls. 
The money has been counted and verified and the results are ready to publish:
Fearless 14 won with a profit of £120.90, but CLAW were hot on their heels with a profit of £104.28. 

Thank you, as always, for all the support from parents sending their children in with money to spend. We now already have in excess of £225.00 to send to GOSH.
Well done to all the children for their hard work - they got a taste today of what it will be like when they get their first Saturday job - it's hard smiling all day!!

The competition is not over yet; there is still plenty of time for the teams to battle it out. Watch out in a couple of weeks for the announcements about the new Healthy Playtime Snacks that the classes will be planning.

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